April Featured Dancer

Our first dancer feature for April is Mari Y.
Mari is a wonderful student and we are happy to have her dancing with us again. We love Mari's work ethic and her approach to class. She is always pushing herself and striving to make progress. Mari has a wonderful attitude that is both fun and energetic. She takes ballet, stretch & strengthen, acro and now contemporary. We look forward to seeing Mari's development and progression in dance and theatre.

We are also happy to have Mari as Red in our upcoming performance this June!

Let’s learn a little more about Mari!

1. Pirouette or Arabesque?
2. Favorite Holiday?

3. Favorite Ballet Performance?

4. How long have you been taking Ballet classes?
10 years

5. Favorite Ballet quote?
“I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday” - Misty Copeland

6. Favorite Part you have had in an APA performance?
Goblin, in the Goblin Market

7. Favorite Movie?
Home Alone

8. Favorite Song?
Mirror Ball- Taylor Swift

9. Favorite Color?
10. Tell us one fun/interesting fact about yourself?
I love to write and I wrote a novel in 7th grade.